In September 2011, I completed this. It was an old smokehouse, but was recently re-built. I painted three sides of the building. It is located at Infinity Recycling in Queen Anne's County, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I started painting the day after Hurricane Irene went through. I worked on this at the same time I was working on the "Quilt Barn" at Crow Farm in Kent County.

I love the poem on this building. It is from Spring Psalter by Nate Pritts:
    Darling, I leave you the forever unblooming
    twig half-sunk in spring mud & the Nature that allows
    such delicate & lasting atrocity.

    Darling, darling, darling: my voice is a branch that would reach.

    I leave you the ragged sky, once full of cloud & now
    not. I leave you these things just as I leave

    you: graceful passage from one something to the next.
    Darling, even in this my voice dissipates

    into hush & whiffs of light, sun-thrown, hurtle into the ground.

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